Team Octopus is home to top-notice trainers, top professional fighters, and motivated members who are excited to learn and share their MMA and fitness experience. We have a great staff of some of the most sought after instructors in Atlanta who have years of professional industry experience.

Besides their expertise, they’re the friendliest people around who understand that not everyone is a professional fighter and always try to cater their training techniques to each individual’s skill level. When you take a class at Team Octopus, you’ll know that you’re in good hands.

Check out the individual trainer’s profile pages to learn more about them, their accomplishes, experience, and training methods.

Koon Lau
Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & MMA
Jeff Perry
Muay Thai



kickboxingBurn 600-900 calories in an hour workout! We offer an array of fitness classes that’s made to revolve around your busy life. Check out our class schedules!

mixed martial arts