
THERE IS NO BETTER TIME TO LOSE WEIGHT AND SHAPE UP THAN NOW!!!!  Our goal is to transform your body to be lean and toned in a high-energy, one-hour group workout class. Not only are you going to sweat but you will burn 850 950 to calories within the hour.

The workout has you punching and kicking a heavy bag, plus full body cardio and core exercises that will melt away fat and tone up muscle everywhere to make you a better you. Practicing kickboxing moves can also help to improve balance, flexibility, coordination, and endurance.

Fitness Kickboxing is for women and men of all ages. We offer easy-to-follow instructions and have unlimited fun classes in the a.m. and in the p.m. We have classes six days a week.  It is time to get out of the same routine of WISHING and WHAT IF. Come down and take the challenge and see what you can do to transform your body and life.  You get out of Kickboxing what you put into it. With hard work, you will get the weight loss, toning up, and endurance you are looking for.


kickboxingBurn 600-900 calories in an hour workout! We offer an array of fitness classes that’s made to revolve around your busy life. Check out our class schedules!

mixed martial arts